Petroleum Technical Training

Petroleum Exploration (Pvt.) Ltd

Education work in Sindh

Petroleum Exploration (Pvt.) Ltd (PEL)



As part of a project for enhancing the skills and technical expertise of the existing work force of local E&P companies, PEL sponsored and built the Petroleum Technical Training Institute (PTTI). The company contributed nearly US$ 0.5 million to this project.
The facility is located at Kandra (Khairpur) in Sind hand consists of air conditioned classrooms, library ,seminar hall, networked computer laboratory with access to the internet via a high speed DSL connection, instrumentation and control lab, drilling and production lab and oil and gas testing lab.
PTTI was established to train and build a capable workforce of oil & gas personnel and this is reflected, both in its planning and its curriculum.
It has been established in the premises of Government College of Technology Khairpur. It is under the administrative control of the Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA)