Amine Plant Installation & Commissioning

Petroleum Exploration (Pvt.) Ltd

Amine Plant Installation & Commissioning


Amine Plant Installation & Commissioning

Amine Sweetening Unit was acquired on a fast-track basis after completing its feasibility study and adequacy. The plant was revamped as per international industrial practices and has been shifted to Ayesha Gas Complex. PEL utilized its working methodology to place this plant in the most cost effective and efficient manner. The Amine unit comprises of Inlet Filters, Contacting Tower, Sweet gas Cooler & Scrubber, Flash Tank, Amine Filters, (booster and charge pumps), Stripping tower, Reflux accumulator condenser and pumps, Amine Coolers, MDEA Reboiler. The auxiliaries included Hot Oil & Cooling Water Systems, MDEA sumps, Incinerator, RO plant, Gas & Diesel Generators, MCC Equipment and Control System.

Simultaneous activities that contributed to the efficiency of overall completion of the project included civil works that were carried out as soon as BOQ's were finalized based on engineering design and soil test. The equipment was shifted and placed at their respective foundations as per the plot plan.

In view of the scarcity of sustainable water resources and harsh weather environment of the area, Petroleum Exploration Pvt Limited, being an environmentally friendly, Health and safety complaint company, went one step ahead by choosing aerial based cooling system instead of water-cooling system to avoid operational constraints and Health, safety and environmental issues.

All mechanical and electrical interconnections of the equipment were successfully completed after carrying out stress analysis and hydraulic studies. The work on instrumentation of individual skids and their functionality tests prior to commissioning of Amine Sweetening Plant were carried out as per the plans.

Ayesha Field, with the commissioning of amine plant, is now poised to supply good quality gas at the desired rates while adhering to all the specifications.